
During the school year, daily announcements are updated by 7:30 a.m. each school day. Video announcements are posted at approximately 9:15 a.m. after the broadcast team has produced the daily show. GHS teachers are responsible for showing or reading announcements to their FLEX classes on PowerHour days and to their Period 4 classes on Wednesdays.

March 7, 2025

World Culture Club will meet today during PowerHour 1 in Mrs. Ginn’s room, Room C219.

Get ready for War! Penny Wars are coming the week before Spring Break. Would your first period like Chick-fil-A minis the first day back from Break? Then, get those pennies ready. For those of you who are new to Penny Wars, let me explain. Your first period class needs to collect as many pennies and dollars as possible because pennies and dollar bills count as positive points. But, you also need to sabotage other classes by placing silver coins – so nickels, dimes, and quarters – into your other teachers’ collection jars because silver coins are negative points. Bring your coins and dollars to class on March 17 to start that final week before Spring Break in first place.

Spanish Club will meet Monday during PowerHour 2 in Room C120.

Greenwood is hosting a military expo fair tomorrow at 9 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 9-10 a.m. The school is asking for volunteers to help serve veterans breakfast as well as donations of breakfast foods, such as donuts, bagels, fruit, and yogurt plus drinks, such as coffee, orange juice, and cases of water; and serving items, such as plastic plates, cups, napkins, and silverware.  If you can donate, please drop off these items in the front office by tomorrow at 8:45 a.m. If interested in helping serve veterans, please sign up using this link

The Prom Committee is glad to announce that Monday Muffins is back for GHS students. Muffins are $3, and a bundle with a muffin and juice is $5. These will be delivered to English classes on March 10 and March 17.

Service Club members who are working at Trivia Night will meet today during PowerHour 2 in the broadcast room.

This is Bring Change to Mind Week. Join the group in a week of advocacy and self-care. Today is Community Awareness Day. Identify a resource that you or someone you know might be able to use. Highlight this resource on your Instagram. Some examples include the Crisis Text Line, The Trevor Project, and Headspace.

Service Club is hosting a Trivia Night on March 11 at 6 p.m. Sign up with your team of up to 4 people. Registration forms are available in the front office and due today to Mrs. Laug in the Guidance Office.

Woodmen Theater is excited to bring the popular musical Grease on March 14-16. Tickets are on sale at See Ms. Hayes during PowerHour 2 in her room, Room C111, if you'd like to purchase your tickets with cash. There will be a preview of the show during PowerHour 2 next Thursday. Next week, the theatre program will host a spirit week with themed days. And next Tuesday, come to the IMC for a karaoke event with popcorn and root beer floats.

Daily Show

Woodmen AM show updated by 9:55 a.m.