Mrs. Lincourt and the choir students are already working on holiday tunes!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Congrats to the marching woodmen and Irish guard for coming in 2nd in the state at last week's competition-we are proud of you!!!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
GMS was excited to have guest speaker Reggie Dabbs visit us Monday. He shared some jokes, music, and an important message about never giving up!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Weekly Announcements 10.30.23
about 1 year ago, Chris Sutton
Weekly announcements 10.30.23
GMS is proud to have select students competing with the high school band and color guard. The students have qualified for state finals and will perform their show at Lucas Oil Stadium this Saturday at 11:30. Good luck, students!!!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
marching band
final scene
Good luck to our 6th grade girls' basketball team as they take on Indian Creek at home tonight!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
6th grade basketball
Ms. Webb's art classes are working on their sugar skulls for Dia De Los Muertos!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Weekly Announcements 10.23.23
about 1 year ago, Chris Sutton
Announcements 10.23.23
Mark your calendars! There is a 6-12 grade band concert October 30th at the High School at 7:00. We can't wait!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring SOCKTOBER-a sock drive to help the homeless. Bring in your donations next week!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Students in Mrs. Donnell's FACS classes are working on their career investigation projects-they will present in class later this week.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Check out the GEF event for free coats, cuts, and kicks!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
coats, cuts, and kicks
Thank you to all students who donated to our Hygiene Drive-Mrs. Biehl delivered your donations and they are much appreciated!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Papa Johns Flyer - Dine to Donate October 24th
about 1 year ago, Chris Sutton
Papa Johns
Weekly announcements
about 1 year ago, Chris Sutton
Weekly announcements 10.16.23
Mr. Dean's BIT classes are learning computer skills and lessons in history as they create social media profiles for historical figures. They will present these projects after fall break. So cool!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Projects in BIT
The cheerleaders had a blast at last night's football game!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
7th cheer
8th cheer
The 8th grade choir did a fantastic job at their concert earlier this week! Way to go, kids!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Brinker
Weekly Announcements 10.02.23
about 1 year ago, Chris Sutton
Weekly announcements 10.02.23
Senior Ava Smith has organized the second annual Light in the Darkness Walk. The goal of the evening is to promote mental health awareness for the prevention of suicide. It will be held Saturday, September 30th at the Greenwood HS track. This year’s walk looks to be even bigger than last year. Please feel free to join our students at 7:00 pm for this event. Everyone is invited to come out and walk. We hope to see many people from our schools and community there!
about 1 year ago, Greenwood Community School Corporation