Picture Retake Day

Somehow the date for our GHS School Picture Retakes has been scrambled a bit. Rather than the original date of Oct. 10, our School Picture Retakes will take place on Oct. 2 (this Wednesday).

English teachers will begin each class period by asking students if they fall into any of these categories and send them for Retakes if they answer "yes" to any of them.

1. Students were absent on the regular picture day. All students must pose for school pictures, so if they missed the original picture day in August, they need to pose for PowerSchool, IDs, and transcripts.

2. Students purchased picture packages but don't like their pictures. They MUST have their original picture packages with them to return to the photographer when they pose. These are picture packages -- not the single proof sheets that all non-purchasers received.

3. Students are purchasing picture packages on Retake Day. They have order forms with payment with them OR their parents have pre-ordered online. Order forms are available in the front office, through an email sent to parents on Monday, and with this post. Also, parents can order online by going to mylifetouch.com and using Picture Day ID EVT8PSRQM

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