Board of Education
2025 School Board
Email Mike Metzger: President
Email Chad Shaffer: Vice President
Email Peggy Daeger: Secretary
Email Jack Napier: Member
Email Sheila Martin: Member
Board Meetings
The board will meet in 2025 on the following dates at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building, 605 West Smith Valley Road, Greenwood.
January 14
February 18
March 18
April 15
May 20
June 17
July 15
August 19
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
An executive meeting with the Superintendent usually is planned at 6:30 before the open meeting. When special meetings are called or when other times and places for regular meetings become necessary, such changes are announced at least two days prior to the meeting.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings. Time is provided during each Board Meeting for anyone to ask questions or make comments.
Approved Meeting Minutes
Click a title to download and review. Click on a year to view archived minutes.
The Role of the Board
The Greenwood Board of School Trustees is a five-member board created by State Legislation and is charged with providing facilities and educational opportunities for children in the Greenwood school district. The meetings of the Board of Trustees are for the purpose of setting or amending school policies such as personnel, building maintenance, legally adopting the operating budget and tax rate for the school district, and authorizing the spending of money budgeted. Although any matter relating to the operation of the schools may come before the Board, most problems are routinely handled through administrative channels. The relationship between the board and the administration is very positive, with a high level of trust and unity of purpose between both.